Teaching styles have evolved over the years to become increasingly more flexible. The learning environment is no longer one where the teacher remains fixed at the front of the class; it’s a much more engaging and hands on experience.
Connecting wirelessly with an iPad to a projector allows teachers to roam around the classroom and take photos of students’ work whilst instantaneously projecting it onto a back wall or whiteboard. They can also take a screenshot of the work and email it directly to the student there and then; making it the perfect time saving tool!
Keeping it engaging
Flat panel displays enable freestyle interaction and multi-touch capabilities in the classroom and when paired with one of our lamp-free projectors the results make for a much more engaged and collaborative learning experience. Inviting students to join at the board not only gets them moving around, it changes the voice in the classroom, offering an alternative perspective.
Inspiring students
Take your class outside and adopt a highly adaptive approach to your teaching. Research shows that not only will students enjoy the change of environment, feeling inspired to reach their true potential, their personal development skills also improve. Both the clarity and brightness of our Ultra Short Throw model make it ideal for outdoor projection, as it can even delineate the white from the whiteness of the board. Mixing up the environment for students also provides a much fresher, more modern approach to learning.
Staying on trend
Academic institutions need to be ahead of the technology curve to keep up with their competitors, in today’s fast paced and constantly evolving edtech landscape. New technologies like AI, machine learning, and educational software aren't just changing the field for students, they're shaking up the role of educators, creating philosophical shifts in approaches to teaching, and remodeling the classroom. Unsure if virtual reality (VR) is the right immersive technology for your teaching? Read on to discover the benefits.
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